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Children's Rights

Millions of children have no access to education, work long hours under hazardous conditions, or have their safety and futures threatened by armed conflict. They suffer targeted attacks on their schools and teachers or languish in institutions, prisons, or detention centers, where they endure inhumane conditions and assaults on their dignity, including physical and sexual assault. These abuses affect their development and may result in a loss of opportunities that are needed for healthy growth. Young and still developing, they may be exploited by the very individuals responsible for their care. We are working to help protect the rights of children around the world, so they can learn safely, be treated fairly, and thrive as they grow into adults.

What is Child Safeguarding in terms of Children's Rights?

Child safeguarding is the responsibility that organizations have to make sure their staff, operations, and programs do no harm to children, that is that they do not expose children to the risk of harm and abuse, and that any concerns the organization has about children’s safety within the communities in which they work, are reported to the appropriate authorities.

Understanding the risks

An overall approach to child safeguarding is rooted in understanding the risks to children from the organization, (its staff, programs and operations) and addressing those risks with measures that create child-safe organizations.

Acknowledging risks and implementing measures to address them is fundamental to organizations’ strategies and governance. The more this is recognized, the more risks can be prevented.

To achieve this your organization needs to consider:

  • where, when and how your organization affects children and what risks this presents

  • what policies and procedures are needed to prevent harm and how to respond to concerns appropriately

  • who is the appropriate designated person/s to act as the focal point in an organization to receive and manage any safeguarding concerns and subsequent inquiry/investigation

  • what safeguarding induction and training is needed to ensure staff know what the organization expects of them and what to do if they have a concern

  • a clear code of conduct so that all staff understand their professional boundaries when working with children and what is and is not acceptable behavior

  • how to recruit safely.

However, even with the most robust child safeguarding policies and procedures, abuse may still take place from within your organization. At that point, it is how your organization responds that is crucial for the child and for the organization.

Prioritizing the education, protection, health, and well-being of children constitutes the best and most robust investment we can make, and for peace, human security, and sustainable development for all of us and the planet we inhabit. It is also a fundamental human right for all children, adolescent, and young people.


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